~ email: contact@suhitam.com
  1. SUHITAM SOFT (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India.
    • Its CIN is U72900TG2022OPC166558 and its GSTIN is 36ABJCS3797B1Z2
  2. The Suhitam Soft is founded by Prof (Dr.) Srinivas Mantha whose profile and other details are available at
    Website of Dr. Srinivas Mantha
    He is a data scientist and a full stack developer and developed several data rich software applications related to academic, health, research, administration and business over the last 3 decades.
  3. The latest one is Personal Accounting Software System (PASS)
Serial No.LinkRemarks
1 PASS: Personal Accounting Software SolutionHighly user-friendly browser-based solution for Personal Financial Accounting. Ideal for professionals (doctors, engineers, lawyers, small businesses)
Popular Health Data Sciences Projects
Serial No.LinkRemarks
1 COVID Markov ModelThe model correctly predicted the third COVID wave in India in the late 2021
2 Vascular AgeDetermination of vascular age based on common carotid intima medial thickess by ultrasound
3 R ALGORITHM FOR BAYESIAN POWER MODEL OF CONTINUAL REASSESSMENT METHOD TO DETERMINE ED95R is a programming language for statistical computing and is widely used in data sciences